If you’ve been pulled over for a dui or driving under the influence, remain calm and contact a lawyer you can trust

For an honest evaluation of your case’s strengths and weaknesses, call the Law Office of Brian Lafferty.

With years of experience in DUI cases, Mr. Lafferty knows that arresting officers often make mistakes before and during traffic and when operating breathalyzers and other methods of determining blood alcohol levels. Allow him the opportunity to discover the finer points of your particular case.

  1. Remain calm and make no sudden movements. Always conduct yourself professionally, as there is nothing to gain by being uncooperative or by acting belligerently.
  2. You have the right to remain silent, however, you must present your license and registration when requested and proof of insurance when detained.
  3. You are not required to participate in field sobriety tests. However, if you show any signs of intoxication the presiding officer may arrest you on the suspicion of driving under the influence. You may be charged with refusing the blood alcohol exam if you refuse to take one. If you refuse to participate in a field sobriety test, do so in a polite manner.
  4. You are required to by law to submit to a breath or blood test to gauge your blood alcohol content. If you have recently consumed any alcoholic beverages, it is best that you opt for the intravenous blood alcohol test.